Tuesday 10 November 2015


                                                                     DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP
Digital Citizenship is a concept which helps teachers, technology leaders and parents to understand what students/children/technology users should know to use technology appropriately. Digital Citizenship is more than just a teaching tool; it is a way to prepare students/technology users for a society full of technology. Digital citizenship is the norms of appropriate, responsible technology use.
                                                  NINE ELEMENTS OF DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP
1.   Digital Access:   full electronic participation in society.
Technology users need to be aware that not everyone has the same opportunities when it comes to technology.  Working toward equal digital rights and supporting electronic access is the starting point of Digital Citizenship. 
2.   Digital Commerce:   electronic buying and selling of goods.
Technology users need to understand that a large share of market economy is being done electronically.
 3.   Digital Communication:   electronic exchange of information.
One of the significant changes within the digital revolution is a person’s ability to communicate with other people. In the 19th century, forms of communication were limited. In the 21st century, communication options have exploded to offer a wide variety of choices (e.g., e-mail, cellular phones, instant messaging).
4.   Digital Literacy:   process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology.
While schools have made great progress in the area of technology infusion, much remains to be done. A renewed focus must be made on what technologies must be taught as well as how it should be used.
 5. Digital Etiquette:   electronic standards of conduct or procedure.
Technology users often see this area as one of the most pressing problems when dealing with Digital Citizenship. We recognize inappropriate behavior when we see it, but before people use technology they do not learn digital etiquette (i.e., appropriate conduct).
6.   Digital Law:   electronic responsibility for actions and deeds
Digital law deals with the ethics of technology within a society. Unethical use manifests itself in form of theft and/or crime. Ethical use manifests itself in the form of abiding by the laws of society.
 7.   Digital Rights & Responsibilities:   those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world.
Just as in the American Constitution where there is a Bill of Rights, there is a basic set of rights extended to every digital citizen.
8.   Digital Health & Wellness:   physical and psychological well-being in a digital technology world.
Eye safety, repetitive stress syndrome, and sound ergonomic practices are issues that need to be addressed in a new technological world.
 9.   Digital Security (self-protection):   electronic precautions to guarantee safety.
In any society, there are individuals who steal, deface, or disrupt other people. The same is true for the digital community.
                                                                                   MADE BY:
                                                                                           MAHNOOR & MALAIKA

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