Tuesday 29 September 2015

                                                         EID CELEBRATIONS
25th September was the day of Eid. When i woke up in the morning, i went downstairs and saw two goats standing in my garage. i became very exited and started to scream and jump here and there. i went to my parents room and told them all about it. when i told them all about it, they told me that it was eid ul azha so that's why we bought two goats. i went in my room  and took a bath and then changed my clothes and went to my cousins room to wake them up. When i was waking them up, they told me not to make noise. After they said this, i started making noise and then they all woke up. I told them about the goats. They all stood up and we all went to the goats and started to give them leaves to eat. They ate them. I heard some noises from my back. When i turned around, i saw a butcher men  had his knife in his hand. I became scared. He went towards the goat and slaughtered it.The next goat was left. when he slaughtered the first goat, we all distributed the meat among relatives and poor people. After that he slaughtered the second goat and again we all distributed the meat among relatives and poor people and we also kept some with us. We all had a lot of fun on EID UL AZHA.

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